The Clinic at Beverly Hills

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Mindfulness – from Paris with Love

Mindfulness – from Paris with Love

Live in the moment. We have heard this advice many times in our life. Yet we choose to focus on the future and past. Why is it so hard to live in the moment? I mean really LIVE in the moment.

We were in a museum in Paris in June, housing wonderful artists like Monet and Renoir. Beautiful scenes with breaktaking colours. I was pondering how it must have been like to sit and paint water lilies. The calm and peace and content it must have brought the artists.

My thoughts were interrupted by the throngs of people shuffling from painting to painting. Each person snapping a shot of a painting before hurriedly scurrying to the next painting. And this continued as the herd photographed each photo through a cell phone camera lens. Then onto the next floor. Perhaps to enjoy later.

We are so busy documenting our lives that we often forget to live them…to savour them…to enjoy the moment. Surely cataloguing the paintings for a future facebook or Instagram post cannot bring to you the same peace the artists must have envisioned when they set their eyes on the wondrous scenes they so beautifully transformed onto their canvas . Can it provide you the same happiness that one should get when they look at the vibrant colours of Van Gogh’s sunflowers?

Are we happy? Or are we so busy posting the life we want others to think we live. The life and illusion we so desperately want yet do not have. We stare at the still pictorial lives of our family members, our friends, our workmates. Each one of them posting hastily not realizing that another day has passed. Another day of not living and just posting. Surely there must be an end to this. It’s exhausting living an inauthentic life. It drains every authentic cell of our bodies to live in this constant drama. To not breathe when you photograph yourself. We wouldn’t want anyone to see our tummies in a selfie. Hold your breath…hold your breath….snap that shot.

Now breathe. Life is about breathing and not about holding your breath.

3 things to do today to start your journey to mindfulness. Living in the moment.

1. Make a schedule when you can use your phone. We have trained ourselves to be wholly dependent on our cell phones. We need to retrain ourselves to become independent again. Limit cell phone use to 20 minutes a day. Or less if possible. Pick a time each day to return emails. And then put the cell phone away.

2. Make 5 minutes for self at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day. Greet each morning with appreciation. Focus on your breathing and think of the positive day ahead of you. At the end of the day close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Relax your body and mind. It’s only 10 minutes a day out of a whole 24 hours. You can do it!

3. Take a walk. No photos. No phone. Walk through your neighborhood, a park and look at your surroundings. Really look. Notice colours. Breathe deeply. Listen to the hum of different sounds. Feel the air around you.

Live in the moment. That’s your homework.

Dr. Ravi Kumar completed his Bachelor of Health Sciences at McMaster University. He then pursued his Medical Doctorate and Urology residency at The University of Ottawa. He subsequently completed a fellowship in Urologic Oncology and Robotic Surgery at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at the University of Toronto. During his fellowship, he obtained a Master of Engineering from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Toronto. He is the co-lead author of the Canadian Urological Association/American Urological Association guideline on the diagnosis and management of adrenal masses.

Dr. Kumar treats a wide variety of urologic conditions including BPH and kidney stones, with a special focus on delivering cutting-edge care for prostate cancer, kidney cancer and bladder cancer.

Dr. Ashwin Maharaj obtained his undergraduate degree in Biology/Physiology from the University of Western Ontario (BSc). e became certified through is a Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery and was certified as fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and recently recertified. He is a member of the Canadian Association of General Surgeons. His current clinical interests are devoted to outpatient acute and chronic gastrointestinal medicine/surgery as well as abdominal wall hernia surgery and practices in certified facilities in Toronto. He has research experience in gastrointestinal disease as well as surgical education teaching resident surgeons and medical students.

Dr. Diana Magee completed her undergraduate education at Cornell University followed by a Master of Public Health degree at Boston University. She received her medical degree from Queen’s University and completed her urology residency at the University of Toronto. While in residency she enrolled in the Surgeon Scientist program and completed her Master of Science in Health Services Research. She completed her fellowship in urologic oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. Dr. Magee’s area of expertise is in the management of urologic cancers as well as performing minimally invasive surgery.

Dr. Pianezza completed his medical degree (MD) at the University of Ottawa in 2002. He became a member of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCSC). He then completed a one-year fellowship in minimally invasive surgery and endourology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in 2008.

Dr. M. Pianezza has been a staff urologist in Sudbury at the Health Sciences North since January 2010. He was Head of Urology from February 2013 to September 2016. He is an Assistant Professor of Surgery at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Dr. Heimrath completed his medical school at the University of Ottawa, his surgical residency at McGill University, and his Endourology, Minimally Invasive, and Robotics Fellowship at the University of Toronto. Dr. Heimrath’s areas of expertise include the management of complex kidney stones and urologic cancers as well as performing minimally invasive surgery. Since 2016, Dr. Heimrath has worked overseas in Malawi and Rwanda to explore opportunities to build urologic and surgical capacity in the developing world. He is a partner in the Urology Global Surgery initiative at the University of Toronto and holds a lecturer appointment with the University of Toronto.


Procedures & Conditions Treated


Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a clinical condition characterized by a malabsorption syndrome due to an increase in microorganisms within the small intestine.

Gastric ballon

The Clinic at Beverly Hills offers patients the option between two industry leading gastric balloon procedures. The traditional endoscopy guided Orbera Gastric Balloon and the revolutionary swallowable Allurion Gastric Balloon.

Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids are a natural part of the human body and, when healthy, assist with the closure of the anus.

Hemorrhoids are vascular cushions that move blood to and from the anus and help support the function of the sphincter. Most people think of hemorrhoids as the disorder known as hemorrhoids or piles.

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary incontinence (SUI) means the uncontrollable loss of urine – an involuntary loss or leakage of urine during precipitating activities like coughing, laughing, sneezing, straining, exercising etc. Early signs of SUI are complaints relating to dysuria, frequency, and urgency. At TCBH Surgical Centre, we offer two treatment options for Stress Urinary Incontinence.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition in which your prostate grows in size. Your prostate is a gland that rests below your bladder and in front of your rectum. It’s about the size of a walnut, and it surrounds part of your urethra. Your urethra is a tube that carries urine and sperm (ejaculate) out of your body. If your prostate grows in size, it can prevent urine and ejaculation from passing through your urethra. BPH is not cancerous. However, symptoms of BPH may indicate more serious conditions, including prostate cancer. TCBH Surgical Centre provides two treatment options.

Rezum Water Therapy

How The Rezum™ Water Vapor Therapy Works

  • RezumTM Water Vapor Therapy is a novel technology that helps people who are suffering from BPH symptoms.
  • In each application, sterile water vapor is released to the targeted prostate tissue. When the steam turns back into the water, all the stored energy is released, causing the cells to die.
  • Over time, your body’s natural healing response removes the dead cells, shrinking the prostate. With the extra tissue removed, the urethra opens, reducing BPH symptoms.
  • The maximum benefit may occur within three months.
    Patients’ responses to treatment can and do vary.

Nanoknife for Prostate Cancer

NanoKnife or Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) consists of placing a number of electrodes into the prostate to surround the area of significant cancer.

Short pulses of electricity using very high voltage are passed between the electrodes. This causes micropores to occur in all cells, including the cancer cells, which lead to their death.

Dr. Luke Fazio is the current Chief of Urology at Humber River Hospital. Dr. Fazio received his medical degree from McGill University in 1999. Following this, he finished his Endourology and Minimally Invasive fellowship at the University of Toronto. As the Urology Medical Director, he has brought many minimally invasive programs to TCBH and is working on future projects. He currently sits on numerous committees and is an advocate for innovation in healthcare. He is the physician lead for the Da Vinci Robotic Surgery Program. He also is the Chair of the Innovation Committee.

Dr. Bhargava has a primary focus of providing care for her patients in the form of minimally invasive procedures and cutting edge technology. She is the Medical Director of TCBH Surgical Centre (The Clinic at Beverly Hills Healthcare) and has been instrumental in bringing Laser Hemorrhoid Treatment to her Centre.

Dr. Bhargava completed both her medical school and surgical residency at the University of Western Ontario. In addition to her Bariatric fellowship, she has also completed Minimally Invasive fellowship at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio.
Dr. Bhargava has published multiple research papers and lead articles.

Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Association of General Surgeons, Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and American Society of Bariatric Surgery